The term 'medicine', as it applies to Native American
traditions, tends to sound a bit misleading. Its origin is actually a
corruption of the word 'Midewiwin' (mih-day-i-win), the name for the Grand Medicine
Society of the Anishinabe. From this corruption, we derive the word
'medicine', which refers to traditional healing herbs and to many
aspects of spiritual practices. We also get the term 'Medicine Man',
which in popular use has become a catch-all term for someone who is
knowledgeable about traditional herbal remedies, or who carries out
certain spiritual ceremonies.
There are a number of sacred medicines that are used
commonly for ceremonial purposes by Native American peoples, including the
Mi'kmaq. In general, these are used for purification prior to
participating in a ceremony, or for daily spiritual cleansing. This
process is referred to as 'smudging', and simply involves burning the
medicine to produce smoke, and using the smoke to cleanse. According to
teachings, the smoke attaches itself to negativity within us, and carries
it away; when the smoke vanishes, so does the negativity. In addition,
these medicines can be used as offerings when desired.
 Sweetgrass (hierochloe odorata, or
vanilla grass) is often used for smudging. Sweetgrass grows wild
all across North America, and is one of the most commonly-used
medicines among the First Nations. When it is burned, it produces
a sweet-scented smoke similar to some incenses. This scent
is attractive to spirits of all types. Sweetgrass is most often
available in braids, as shown, and is thought of as the hair of
Mother Earth. Mi'kmaq tradition names sweetgrass as the sacred
medicine of the East direction. |
 Sage is another very common smudging herb.
While any sage will do the job, white sage (salvia apiana)
is generally preferred. This sage is known by a number of different names regionally. Its
thick leaves and tendency to smolder well and produce a very
pungent smoke are what make it perfect for smudging. Sage smoke
is attractive to spirits of good intent, but is repellent to
spirits that intend harm. For this reason, sage is particularly
useful for smudging and purifying people, objects, areas or
structures. Placing crumbled sage leaves with an object is
considered to be protective as well. For the Mi'kmaq, sage is the
sacred medicine of the South direction |
 Cedar is the sacred medicine of the West
direction, and is used for cleansing and energizing. We frequently
use cedar to line the floor of our sweat lodge, and have prepared
a number of combinations of different cedars for smudging. Cedar
smoke has a fresh, invigorating scent. Since cedar is not common
throughout the Maritimes area of Canada, the Mi'kmaq frequently
used juniper, a close relative, for the same purposes. |
 Fungus is the traditional Mi'kmaw medicine of
the North direction, but it has been largely ignored today and
replaced by tobacco. Fungus can be used by women to protect men
from the draining effects of moon-time. A particular favourite is
locally called deer-foot fungus, and is a subspecies of hoof
fungus (polyporus fomes fomentarius) that grows on birch
trees. |
 Tobacco is very commonly used for offerings by
most First Nations, and is often an ingredient used in smoking
preparations for the sacred pipe. The familiar tobacco plant did
not grow in the Maritimes area; instead, the Mi'kmaq used a plant called
"Indian tobacco" (lobelia inflata.) This was
frequently used in a smoking mixture called 'kinnikinnik' which
also usually included alder and red willow bark and bear berry leaves, among
other herbs. |
Many plants were used in traditional healing. In some
cases, the plants were well-known folk remedies, such as willow bark,
which contains salicylic acid and was self-prescribed as required as a pain reliever.
However, in more serious illnesses a spiritual element is required in
addition to the botanical element, and the combination of medicines for
one person may not be the same as for another person with the same
condition. A true Healer or Medicine Person will receive guidance from the
spirits regarding what combination will work in a particular case. For
this reason, it is generally ineffective (and possibly dangerous!) to try to
use Native American healing preparations that have not been given
specifically to you for your condition.